Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Press Delete


     When the thoughts in my head seem to jumble, I write. I write, or type rather, until my fingers beg me to stop. It's such a great release for me. Everyone has some sort of an outlet, singers sing and runners run; I write until my thoughts go numb.
     I usually create a page on Word that goes for miles. It has the good, the bad and the ugly. It has the reason I smile everyday and the things I question in life. It rarely rhymes, it's not in AP format, it doesn't usually have big and fancy words and it has grammatical errors galore. When I'm done with the brief novel I scrounge up, I read it over and think about it one last time and then press delete. If only we could do that with everything in life, pick and choose what to keep and what to delete. In the words of Louis Armstrong, "What a wonderful world."

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